Wednesday 30 October 2019

Apulina Returns and A Halloween Story

Here is a link to my gothic horror story "The Rooks" on the theme of motherhood set in rural Dorset.  It was written in short bursts on my phone on walks trying to get the babies to sleep and during late night nursing sessions.  It is a first draft and very short . I hope you enjoy it! I will have another to share with you, maybe for Christmas Eve.  I am hoping to write some more alongside felt illustrations.  I made a quick silhouette of a rook on a some textured white felt for now!

Maternity leave has finished! I am still a full time carer for my twins though.  This means that whilst I am able to snatch time to post a bit more on social media and make some simple items, I won't be able to accept any commissions or pet portraits for a while.  These require extra special attention and time which I don't have at the moment.  I do still have autumn and Christmas felt decorations, glass baubles and my usual fox and badger brooches in my Etsy shop and at Handmade New Forest, Forever Green Florist and The Factory Shop.

I have also had time to make some miniature bird pictures set in embroidery hoops which can be worn as necklaces.

I hope to see some of you at the Dorset Etsy Fair at the Allendale Centre in Wimborne. This runs on 30th November and Sunday 1st December (I will be there on the Sunday).  This is a great fair with quality craft local craft items from artist, crafters and artisans.

Thank you for reading and for your support.  Even if you don't buy from me, every time you interact with my posts on social media it helps others to see my work.  Thank you!

Monday 15 July 2019

Fairy Tale Writing

I am still devoted full time to caring for my babies. Whilst this has frustrated my desire to do some needle felting, it has afforded me a chance to write (albeit on my phone at the same time as nursing and with some interruption, much like this blog!)

My aim is to put together a collection of fairy tales, each illustrated with a felt picture (either a 2D piece like my fox above, or 3D like my sea maid doll scenes below)

I've always had a fascination for fairy tales, but some of the messages they send to children are a little unwelcome to say the least! Updated versions have attempted to improve the role of female characters, but often the stories have then lost their charm as modern features and language has been used. I hope to retain the magic of the classic fairy tale, whilst featuring strong female characters and role models and an underlying feminist message. 
I already have stories about some villagers who attempt to tame a wild bear, a warning about the dangers of ignoring a woman's advice on marauding giants, a shape changing hare, mysterious feathered deaths and some wisdom from a wise woman!
When I am feeling a little braver, I might publish some here. Watch this space!

Friday 17 May 2019

Looking Back

 There's not been much chance for felting since the arrival of the twins - this is all I've made in 3 months! I have managed to get out on some local walks with the babies though.
With not much new felting happening, I have been looking back at past creations and comparing with more recent ones. Some of the animals are a bit rudimentary, but cute all the same!  It goes to show what a great hobby needle felting is.  As a beginner you can make something with no sewing, pattern or possibility of making a small mistake and having to start over again unlike other fibre arts. I thoroughly recommend it if you haven't already tried!

My Etsy shop remains open for orders (kindly packaged and delivered by my partner Rick).

You can also find stock at Handmade New Forest in New Milton, The Factory Shop in Pokesdown, Bournemouth and Forever Green in Moordown, Bournemouth.

Tuesday 16 April 2019

Welcome to the world!

My twin boys were born at the end of February. They were 4 weeks early, but are both well!
As you can imagine, all of my time is taken up caring for these two at the moment. However, my Etsy shop is still open with felt creations made pre-babies for sale  (my partner Rick is taking care of orders!) and my scheduled posts will still be popping up on social media.
My maternity leave ends in October- how much felting I will get done then I'm not sure! I am already booked in for the Dorset Team Etsy Christmas fair at the Allendale Centre in Wimborne.

Sunday 17 February 2019

Needle felt dog portraits

Mack - needle felt portraits of a special dog

In case you have missed the news, I am currently on maternity leave awaiting the arrival of twins!  This means I am not going to be taking on any pet portrait commissions for a while.  However,  I was lucky enough to be given the opportunity to felt this collection of 2D and 3D portraits of Mack the dog before I finished work.  It was a special privilege to do this for his lovely owner. She provided me with some beautiful photos to work with, right from when Mack was a puppy.  I was also able to incorporate some of Mack's fur into all the pieces.

My maternity leave ends in October, so get in touch then if you would like a portrait of your pet.

Sunday 6 January 2019

Apulina in 2019

Happy New Year!
  I can now share with you some of the needle felt 3D and 2D pet portraits I made as Christmas orders!

I also made a felt kingfisher ornament  as a gift for my parents, who often see one at the river where they walk.

As you might have guessed from the headline photograph, I am off on maternity leave soon until October. I won't be able to accept commissions after 16th January.
A selection of stock I already have made, including some of my masks, weather tree calendars and other popular items will still be available in my Etsy shop (my partner has kindly volunteered to take care of packaging and sending orders!).
You will also still be able to find stock at Handmade New Forest in New Milton and Lymington, The Factory Shop in Pokesdown, Bournemouth and Forever Green in Moordown, Bournemouth.

You will also still be able to see my social media posts on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, but most of these will be scheduled, rather than 'live' posts, so apologies for not responding to any comments you leave for quite some time!  I also won't be able to respond to any messages sent to me, although I will check in from time to time.

Thank you for all your continued support.  I hope to be back full of creativity and ideas in October, but I am guessing more likely I will just be tired!  Wishing you all a very lovely year ahead.  See you on the other side!
Lauren (Apulina)