Sunday 6 January 2019

Apulina in 2019

Happy New Year!
  I can now share with you some of the needle felt 3D and 2D pet portraits I made as Christmas orders!

I also made a felt kingfisher ornament  as a gift for my parents, who often see one at the river where they walk.

As you might have guessed from the headline photograph, I am off on maternity leave soon until October. I won't be able to accept commissions after 16th January.
A selection of stock I already have made, including some of my masks, weather tree calendars and other popular items will still be available in my Etsy shop (my partner has kindly volunteered to take care of packaging and sending orders!).
You will also still be able to find stock at Handmade New Forest in New Milton and Lymington, The Factory Shop in Pokesdown, Bournemouth and Forever Green in Moordown, Bournemouth.

You will also still be able to see my social media posts on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, but most of these will be scheduled, rather than 'live' posts, so apologies for not responding to any comments you leave for quite some time!  I also won't be able to respond to any messages sent to me, although I will check in from time to time.

Thank you for all your continued support.  I hope to be back full of creativity and ideas in October, but I am guessing more likely I will just be tired!  Wishing you all a very lovely year ahead.  See you on the other side!
Lauren (Apulina)

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