Wednesday 30 October 2019

Apulina Returns and A Halloween Story

Here is a link to my gothic horror story "The Rooks" on the theme of motherhood set in rural Dorset.  It was written in short bursts on my phone on walks trying to get the babies to sleep and during late night nursing sessions.  It is a first draft and very short . I hope you enjoy it! I will have another to share with you, maybe for Christmas Eve.  I am hoping to write some more alongside felt illustrations.  I made a quick silhouette of a rook on a some textured white felt for now!

Maternity leave has finished! I am still a full time carer for my twins though.  This means that whilst I am able to snatch time to post a bit more on social media and make some simple items, I won't be able to accept any commissions or pet portraits for a while.  These require extra special attention and time which I don't have at the moment.  I do still have autumn and Christmas felt decorations, glass baubles and my usual fox and badger brooches in my Etsy shop and at Handmade New Forest, Forever Green Florist and The Factory Shop.

I have also had time to make some miniature bird pictures set in embroidery hoops which can be worn as necklaces.

I hope to see some of you at the Dorset Etsy Fair at the Allendale Centre in Wimborne. This runs on 30th November and Sunday 1st December (I will be there on the Sunday).  This is a great fair with quality craft local craft items from artist, crafters and artisans.

Thank you for reading and for your support.  Even if you don't buy from me, every time you interact with my posts on social media it helps others to see my work.  Thank you!

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