Wednesday 21 November 2018

Big changes at Apulina

There is going to be a big change here at Apulina next year as I am expecting twins! 
I hope to get back to felting as soon as I can, but I think I will have my hands full for a while to say the least!  I won't be able to accept commissions from the start of next year, so if there is something felty you have your eye on then try to get in touch before Christmas.

The run up to Christmas has already proved very busy.  I went to the South Coast Makers market last weekend, which was very popular and well organised!  I recommend looking out for their future events in Bournemouth.
Next weekend (1st-2nd December) I will be at the Dorset Team Christmas Craft Fair in Wimborne.  This is a brilliant event with quality arts and crafts on offer.  You can probably get all your Christmas shopping done in one!

My Etsy shop has also been very busy, with baubles being a big hit, including my snowmen families where you can request a snowman family to match your own in a glass bauble.  I have also been making lots of 3D dog portraits.  I will share photos of those after Christmas so as not to spoil any surprises!

 Don't forget to order you colour in weather tree calendar if you want one.  These are a great gift if you are stuck on a purchase for someone, whether adult or child.  You simply colour in a leaf every day to record the weather (or other daily event).  It is a lovely way to stay in touch with nature.
That's all for now.  I hope you and your family have a peaceful Christmas / Yule / Hannukkah / seasonal period!

Tuesday 9 October 2018

Dragons! Autumn & Christmas Felt Decorations and Craft Fairs

In case you missed it on social media, my needle felt dragon mask has made it to the Musee Atelier du Feutre in France.  It is on display there until the end of October, together with felt creations from other artists using Roux D'Ardenne wool.  It will then be going on tour at venues in France and Belgium.  I can report that the wool felts beautifully and smells wonderful.  I hope to have more time in the future to devote to more complicated pieces like this!

Meanwhile I have been busy making felt autumn and Christmas decorations and gifts.  As well as my usual makes, I have some new felted creations, including bees, ladybirds and angels in bottles, hedgehogs, robin brooches, and glass baubles with snowmen families (to match your own family!) and toadstool houses.  I am also working on some Christmas tree pin cushions - watch this space!  You can find all my felt decorations in my Etsy shop, or contact me through social media links.

I will also be doing a few craft fairs this autumn/winter.
Find me at Community Crafts at New Milton Memorial Hall this Saturday 13th October
South Coast Makers Market at Bournemouth 18th November
and the Dorset Etsy Team Christmas Fair in Wimborne on 1st and 2nd December

Monday 18 June 2018

Mask Making

June is going to be all about mask making!
needle felt fox head mask in wool
Full head needle felt fox mask. This is made from 100% wool and nothing else.

Modelling the masks is also a good excuse to dress up (wearing a mask makes having your photo taken much more fun and an excuse to be silly. I highly recommend it!)

needle felt cat mask
Full head cat mask in needle felt
I can see these masks being great for live action role play, festivals, theatre, carnivals and performance art.

Needle felt cat face mask by apulina
Cat Face Mask in Needle Felt

I've been focusing on cat masks as I will be attending CatFest in London on July the 14th. I have managed to rope my partner into wearing one of my cat masks and doing selfies with visitors! One of the charities CatFest is supporting is ERHAM, which works to help street cats in Morocco. There is a video here explaining their work (warning, it is quite upsetting)

Watch this space for some different animal masks once I have got cats out of my system!

Thank you for reading.

Tuesday 5 June 2018

New Website!
My latest needle felt dog portrait
It's been a busy month. I was lucky enough to work with a beautiful photograph of Lizzie to create my latest needle felt dog portrait. I really love creating my felted pet portraits, so if you want one of your pet, then please do get in touch.

Apulina needle felt stall in Bournemouth Dorset
Sitting at my stall at the Art & Makers Market in Bournemouth Gardens
I also had a great time at the Art & Makers Market in Bournemouth Gardens near the bird aviary. Definitely worth a visit if you are in town.

woman wearing full head cat mask in needle felted wool
Me wearing my first full head needle felt cat mask!
I've also made my first needle felted FULL HEAD cat mask. I am incredibly excited about this, and have already started work on a full head felted fox mask. I envision making lots more, including some fantastical creatures ( dragons, mythical creatures etc). If you know someone who needs a woolen mask in their lives for a production, performance or just for fun, then please do send them my way!

image of the new Apulina website
My new website

Finally, I have also created my new website for Apulina with the help of the Arts Development Company. I will be updating this in the future. If you see any mistakes, or links that don't work etc, then I would be grateful for a heads up! You can find it at

Thank you for reading!

Tuesday 15 May 2018

Felt Fox Makes

Some of my needle felted fox miniatures, brooches, ornaments, baubles, pictures from over the years.
You can see them all in my Etsy store here , or request a foxy make of your own!

 Needle Felt Fox Bauble
 Felt fox ornaments

 Needle felt fox in tiny glass bottle

 Hanging fox tree decoration
 Tiny fox diorama in glass bauble
 Fox in glass bauble
 Hanging fox tree decoration
 Hanging felt fox decoration
 Tiny curled up fox in bottle
 Felt fox mask
 Felt fox brooches and ornaments

 Little fox in a customer's diorama

 SOme foxes and badgers ready to go into larger glass bottles
 2D needle felt fox picture

Monday 23 April 2018



It's been a while since my last update and what a strange spring we've had since then - with more snow and then summer-like temperatures. Let's hope it's not our only 'summer' of the year!

Despite some very cold weather, spring and summer has definitely been the theme of my latest makes.

I will be selling these and more at the Dorset Etsy Team Spring Fair in Wimborne, Dorset on the 5th May.  Please do come along if you an for lots of quality arts and crafts.

I am also very pleased to announce that you can buy my glass cacti and cottage baubles at The Factory Shop, Pokesdown Bournemouth 
